Heaven To Earth


Do you have something great to offer?  HeavenToEarth offers retreats, lectures and presentations featuring internationally renowned luminaries.  We support and organize a wide range of programs for personal and interpersonal transformation, as well as multi-discipline fields of alternative science, literature & arts, mystery and cutting edge New Age Thought arena.

At HeavenToEarth our mission is to assist in creating a more enlightened world that supports the expansion of the human spirit –  by helping YOU bring your message and trainings to this expanding market, we help add to the sum of wisdom in the world at large!

Most of our clients are experienced teachers accustomed to traveling.  We help you take your existing practice to a new level by introducing you to new and hungry markets.  We help you organize, manage and market your event internationally.  Our job is to organize and promote your events so that you can show up and do what you to best:  teach, guide, inspire and leave with your agreed compensation – everything else is done for you.

If you are interested in showcasing your work, we invite you to get in touch with us at [email protected]

We would be delighted to provide you with the opportunity to present your artistic creations and connect with a wider audience.